Tyler Garrett to moderate upcoming livestream on Wyoming courts’ emergency orders

We’re pleased to announce that Tyler Garrett will moderate an upcoming CLE presentation—hosted by the American Inns of Court – Ewing T. Kerr Chapter, in partnership with the Wyoming State Bar—for all Wyoming-licensed attorneys.
What: Live stream – “Understanding Wyoming Courts’ Emergency Orders in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic”
When: 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. (Mountain Standard time) Friday, May 22
Cost: Free
Credit approval: 1 CLE Credit
About the presentation
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, numerous emergency orders have been issued by various courts throughout Wyoming. This program offers a unique opportunity to hear from judges regarding these emergency orders.
In addition to discussing the emergency orders in place, the panel will discuss tips for practitioners— from e-filing documents to appearing virtually.
Featured speakers include:
- Justice Kautz, Wyoming Supreme Court
- Honorable Kelly Rankin, Chief Magistrate Judge for the District of Wyoming
- Honorable Catherine Wilking, Seventh Judicial District Court