Tyler Garrett successfully represents Washakie County Assessor before Wyoming Supreme Court

Tyler Garrett, a member of Hathaway & Kunz’s appellate practice, successfully represented the Washakie County Assessor before the Wyoming Supreme Court in the case of Helmut J. Mueller Limited Partnership et al. v. Kathy Treanor, in her official capacity as Washakie County Assessor, persuading the justices to rule that the Washakie County Assessor’s denial of an agricultural land designation was correct.

As quoted in this article on Law 360 Tax Authority, Garrett stated:

“The Wyoming Supreme Court’s decision provides helpful precedent for not only Wyoming’s county assessors, but also for landowners seeking to have their property classified as agricultural. The court’s opinion sets forth a well-reasoned roadmap regarding a landowner’s burden of proof, and illuminates the type of evidence that is necessary to satisfy the fourth statutory requirement.”

The citation to the Wyoming Supreme Court’s opinion is 2018 WY 131.