Governor Mead Joins Hathaway & Kunz, LLP

Former Governor Matt Mead has joined the Wyoming Law Firm of Hathaway & Kunz, LLP, as a partner.
Mead left office in January 2019 after serving two terms as Wyoming’s Governor.
In his new position, Mead will continue his work to diversify Wyoming’s economy, bring new business and opportunity to the State, as well as provide advice and counsel to the firm’s clients on business, energy, natural resources and environmental issues. His push for the State to embrace technology solutions greatly expanded connectivity within the State, providing opportunities to improve commerce and education.
Of his move to Hathaway & Kunz, Mead said:
“The lawyers at Hathaway & Kunz provide high-level representation to many clients across diverse areas of the law. Their sophistication and forward thinking have made Hathaway & Kunz the preeminent Wyoming law firm, and I am excited to join the team. As the Wyoming legal landscape continues to advance on subjects such as energy, technology and business development, I look forward to working with the firm’s clients facing cutting-edge and complex legal issues. The expansion and diversification of Wyoming’s economy and the success of businesses operating here is of great interest to me. I am excited to work on issues important to Wyoming’s future economic well-being.”
Before being elected Governor in 2010, Mead served as the United States Attorney for the District of Wyoming, appointed by former President George W. Bush. He also engaged in the private practice of law in Cheyenne with now U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Gregory Phillips in the Cheyenne firm of Mead & Phillips.
Founded in 1975 by former two-term Wyoming Governor and United States Secretary of the Interior Stan Hathaway and mineral resource specialist Brent Kunz, Hathaway & Kunz now consists of 14 attorneys providing legal services in a wide range of areas, including technology, energy, natural resources, business law and litigation.
“Governor Mead will help Hathaway & Kunz provide its clients with sound advice and counsel on a variety of issues. The Governor’s knowledge, experience and credibility on issues facing companies doing business in Wyoming will be a great benefit to our clients,” said Hathaway & Kunz Partner Rick Thompson. “We are thrilled to be the first law firm in Wyoming to have two former Governors associated with it.”
As a former Governor for one of the nation’s leading states in energy and natural resource production, Mead is nationally recognized as a leader on a wide variety of energy and environmental issues. He has also been a strong promoter of technology development and diversification and growth of the State’s economy.
“In his lengthy tenure of government service to the citizens of Wyoming, Governor Mead gained enormous insight into all facets of natural resources, technology advancement, business development and other opportunities to improve the lives of Wyoming citizens. He will be a great fit for this firm and the services we provide,” Thompson stated.